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Install Builder Addin

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Install Builder Addin is Addin for creating setup cabinet for Pocket PC and Smart Phone. Install Builder is a free standalone application that allow novice user to create setup cabinet for Pocket PC and Smart Phone. Install Builder use a simple ini file to store project settings, you can use simple editor like notepad to edit the ini file. The setup cabinet contain binary encoded and xml installation file plus all application files. It support two installation mode (ActiveSync --> PPC, PPC --> PPC). The setup cabinet can copy files, make shortcuts and add registry keys.


Standalone addin

Although Install Builder is below 200kb in size, you dont have to download any external application (except CABWIZ.EXE), other sharewares that does the same thing are usually over 2mb in size.

Create Installation Cabinet

Install Builder can create installation cabinet for Pocket PC and Smart Phone, providing file copy, shortcuts and registry support.

Easy to use

Install Builder use Inno Setup File (*.inno) to store settings, you can use notepad to edit this file.

    Sample Inno File

      Author=Joseph Leung
      Description=Offline RSS Reader for Pocket PC and SmartPhone
      Source: "C:\dNet\MobileRss\MobileUpdate.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: "NoDateCheck"
      Source: "C:\dNet\MobileRss\Output\Dll\SQLite3.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: "NoOverwriteIfNewer"
      Source: "C:\dNet\MobileRss\MobileUpdate.db"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: "NoOverwrite"
      Source: "C:\dNet\MobileRss\Readme1st.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestFile: "License.txt"
      Name: "{group}\MobileUpdate"; Filename: "{app}\MobileUpdate.exe"
      Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MobileUpdate"; ValueType: string; ValueName: AppPath; ValueData: "{app}"
      Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MobileUpdate"; ValueType: dword; ValueName: Version; ValueData: "1"
      Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MobileUpdate"; ValueType: binary; ValueName: BinaryData; ValueData: "ABCDEF01
      Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\MobileUpdate"; ValueType: multi_sz; ValueName: MZData; ValueData: "Line1,Line2,Line3"